If you really want to stay up-to-date, it is necessary that you activate an effective video marketing strategy. Video content, in fact, allows to enhance and support potential experiences with the customers.
Indeed, 2017’s Internet has become the dominant driving force for the advertising market. To prove that, we are easily able to search and buy flight tickets, find a hotel, book a table in a restaurant, and all of this from our phone, rapidly and everywhere.
Mobile marketing is pretty seducting for 2017. Imagine what our future is reserving for companies that will update themselves and create a marketing system capable of capturing the user’s search. Mobile user experiences will allow ease of use for the purchase of goods and/or services. The industry of digital marketing is vast, complex and rapidly evolving. So, what can we expect in 2017? We evidenced a few trends for this year.
Video advertising for marketing video
With the integration of native video into Facebook at the best of today’s performances, this format became a forced move. The “live” on Facebook is, as of 2017, one of the major innovations. This is obvious: brands, media and users are showing a growing interest for tech. In the same way, “presentation” on Facebook allows the users to create a video format in a very easy and intuitive way from a selection of photos. This, in turn, allows advertisers to obtain a low-cost video format. So, Facebook and Youtube are essencial for 2017’s media plans.
Mobile as the first display
2016 has already been an excellent year for mobile. In fact, Google has totally “deleted” its phone-optimized websites, because of them not being the best to consult. The ubiquity of smartphones and desktop PCs shows, pretty uniquely, the transformation that the users are going through. In 2017, video marketing strategies must be, in the first place, mobile oriented.
360 degrees photos and videos
Facebook has been following innovation greatly in 2016, by launching a few new formats, like the 360° photos and videos. A formula that has been already used and tested for the launch of ad campaigns and video games. With the growing success of virtual reality technology, we’ll see a great deal of video marketers adapting to this new trend.
Augmented reality
Pokémon Go, with its extraordinary success, could very well become a commercial phenomenon, in the long run. For this, its developers decided to harvest the potential that the game holds. Geotagging, in fact, could set up a real travel point for consumers. And so, similar initiatives akin to geotagging and augmented reality could insipire video marketing greatly.
ROI in Social Media
Social webbing is improving day by day, and the possibility for custom ad targets represents a great commercial opportunity. As a consequence, paying attention to ROI is one of the subtle trends for 2017’s video merketing.
The growing importance of video marketing
If, in the past, ads were considered as a source of income, in our digital era they could very well be thought as investments. In fact, the time when a TV spot was only 30 seconds long, is gone. Every new digital content that is made today, could be brought up even in 10 years using Google. Youtube and Facebook, joined by other solutions, will contribute to letting your own trademark known for much longer. In conclusion, a strong evidence of video marketing in social media and search engine, represents a long run investment.